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Wednesday 23 August 2017


Morning routine for success

Everyone is different, but what mostly people do in these days, they just wake up and play either with there phone or computer and after go work or school etc. But if you look at the most successful people in our planet, they all had strict routine in there life, so i decided to write down morning routine that all of ass should have in my opinion. Let's begin.

Number 1. Wake up early.
I talked about this already on my other blog too, but actually people who wake up early (and sleep early) are more active and able to finish more then people who love to sleep until afternoon (:D).

Number 2. Exercise.
I know that's a least thing you want to do in a morning, but believe me after workout/exercise you will feel amazing, you will feel energised and actually your brain will be more active through up the day.

Number 3. Time with yourself.
Just have 30 minutes everyday in a morning time that you will just sit and think about all good that you have, shouldn't necessarily be something being. You can simple think that you happy that you are alive or simple enjoy the nature.

Number 4. Breakfast. 
Healthy breakfast in a morning is good for you. it will give you energy that you need for the day.

Number 5. Plan.
Think and exam your plans. In a morning time our brain is relaxed, so it's giving you chance to be able to focus in only one topic. Plan your goals.

Number 6. Family.
Enjoy time with your family. Just simple sitting down in a morning with your family is amazing or it shouldn't only be family, maybe it's your friends.

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