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Wednesday 23 August 2017


Ways to improve yourself

Ways to improve yourself.

Have you ever ask yourself, how can i be better? how can i be more smarter then i am right now? or how can i be more successful?
So i collected some science advises for you as well advises from very successful people. 
Lets start.

1. Gratitude.
Start seeing in the world something that negative people can't see. There is so many beautiful things in these world that we missing, or simple enjoy spending time with the people whom you like. It's shouldn't be hard to find the things to enjoy, it could be just simple just a cup of green tea. Everyone know that sadness or stress can make you feel like you don't want to anything, so get rid of that feeling and start enjoying your life today.

2. Patience.
Patience is really important for success. Most of the time people quit gym or any other sport, because they think they don't see result or it's too slow so they can't wait and they quit. On other hand people who have patience will continue going gym or any other thing they do and they will get result. So just try to have patience in everything that you do.

3. Books.
Read a books or just listen the audio books. This is not only good for learning something new, but also this improve your imagination and patience. Most successful people have always some time of the day for specifically for reading. You can even download audio book and just go for a stroll and listen the book.

4. Learn.
Take some new courses or just try to learn something new. There is always something to learn. Just imagine, more knowledge you have more interesting person you becoming for others.

5. Wake up early.
Sound's weird, but most successful people are getting up early and why is that? I think the reason is that when you wake up early you are more fresh and you are more active. It is important that you also sleep early. Enjoy your silence morning with coffee and give your brain some rest.

6. Workout.
Do some exercise. It's not only good for your buddy, but it's good for your brain to and for your health. The exercise is even good for your sleep and energy system, so don't waste your time by sitting in front of tv and not doing anything, jut do some exercise. Even regular push up is better then just sitting.

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